Translation problems. Helping Xcode understand our code faster
How to get Xcode to build project quickly. Ilya will share his hacks and backstairs during this talk.
Ilya Lunkin
Square meter
How to get Xcode to build project quickly. Ilya will share his hacks and backstairs during this talk.
Square meter
During this session, Yonatan will share the lessons on Impact Driven Development and explain how to make your work more interesting and creative.
How do you build a scooter sharing service from scratch in just over 2 months? Follow RJ as he goes through the techniques his company employed to reach deadline, from architecture tips, to ways to reuse your coworker's code. He'll also dive into the soft skills they relied on to stay aligned, motivated, and in touch with teammates and users, and ultimately ride off in style.
During this session, the audience will learn how to live when message contains 40+ types of content, what you should pay attention to when using RecyclerView, how to increase the reuse of ViewHolder and what points VK uses to reduce rendering lags.
The talk about how to model screen states, who and why needs it, and about architectural approach to creating screens using states.
In this session, Vitaly will be exploring mobile design patterns, techniques, strategies and important decisions to consider when designing and building websites and applications that respect customers and increase conversion.
Smashing Magazine
During this session, you will learn how to dive in a binary framework (for example UIKit) and you can get from it.
Spark Networks
For the developer as for any specialist, it's important to be in demand in your environment. In this talk, Baruch will tell from his personal experience why the development of the personal brand is a good practice and what advantages can be obtained.
Ilya Lobanov will tell for what purposes he and his team used UIScrollView mechanics in application development.
Marina will tell all the ropes of communication with Google and Apple tech support.
Mail.Ru Group
This talk covers the low-level details of processing video in realtime with Swift and Metal.
Lux Optics
Join Giorgio in this session to learn more about mutation testing and how to create operators to generate mutations specific to a custom domain at scale.
The talk about what Auto-renewable Subscriptions is, why it's good and profitable, and why more and more applications are switching to a subscription model. Denis will tell what you need to do to successfully implement this technology and how to upgrade your subscription in different ways.
The talk about the Spectre app development.
Lux Optics
E2E plays a major role in testing in large companies. How this all arranged, who needs autotests and why, and what to say when you don't know where to start?
Let's talk about how to develop a lot and fast if you have a small team and experiment with UI at the same time.
This talk will be about variety of Android operating systems and how to write cross-platform applications for these systems.
Orion Innovation
In this talk, Sergey will tell about the benefits of declarative UI framework Litho and discuss best practices and tweaks that you can apply in difficult UI cases to get the maximum performance out of the framework.
In this session, Marcin will show you how to make an efficient Kotlin code cheaply, and how to optimize performance-critical parts of your code.
Anton will share his experience in creating high performance chat for Badoo application.
During this talk, Alexander will describe various typical architectures that can be used when developing on Flutter, their pros, and cons, especially the two most popular of them — BLoC and Redux.
What happens after the smartphone with mobile bank has been stolen by intruders who at the earliest opportunity will try to steal the money from the user's account. Dmitry will show in detail the whole procedure for hacking the system and tell you how to make the authentication more difficult for intruders to hack.
Pavel will reveal all details of text rendering in Android OS.
We will explore a few Data Types from the Arrow library and how we can use them with Domain-driven design to build clear, resilient and maintainable APIs.
Gennady will tell why Flutter is a good decision, how to convince management of its effectiveness and motivate developers to write on it.
In the field of computer vision and machine learning, few people thought about the code quality and when adding new technology no one thought about how to maintain it. But it was done during the Lensa product development: in this talk Andrey will tell how to coordinate the work of technologies within the application to make life easier.
Prisma AI
The talk about how UI Automator and Accessibility Service work.
LG Russia R&D Lab
The talk about Android Lint — it is a powerful static analysis tool and supports custom rules, which you can turn into your advantage.
This talk will be fully devoted to the iOS multithreading: Vladimir will analyze the main problems of this property, test multithreaded code and talk about mistakes that he encountered in practice.
In this talk, Stepan will try to explain what Gradle is starting with wrapper, buildScr and lifecycle and ending with dependencies between tasks, caching and incremental compilation.