
Launch on the Huawei market, or how we have adapted the application for work with HMS

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Huawei has launched its app store and removed support for Google services from new devices. Let's discuss how big is the audience of users from Huawei devices and why it is worth adapting your application for their platform. Pavel and Georgy will tell you what problems they have encountered along the way and how they have planned the scope of work.

First of all, let's consider working with maps. Let's see what alternative to Google Maps we can choose and how to work with two maps in the application at once. Let's talk about work with push notifications and analyze what Huawei offers us to solve this problem. The speakers will show you what other services Huawei has decided to use and how we can test them.

As a result, Pavel and Georgy will share the experience of publishing an application in Huawei AppGallery, which consists of the preparation and first impression of the work.

  • #googlemaps
  • #huaweiappgallery
  • #noplayservices


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