Gianfranco Papa

Gianfranco Papa

Somnio Software

Flutter Developer, Passionate Software Engineer, and Football Fanatic in his spare time. CTO & Co-Founder of Somnio Software, a 100% specialized Flutter Company based in Uruguay. Really passionate about technology in general, but Flutter & Dart are his top choices. He is focused on becoming an expert in these technologies to have the best tools to help his partners with their projects! He has had the opportunity to share his experience in several events such as Flutter Global Summit ‘22 and meetups and has had a very enriching experience. He is also organizer of Flutter Montevideo Meetup to help grow the community of this tech both in his country and also in the world. This group has helped him unite with other developers and Flutter fanatics to exchange experiences and ideas!

Выступления в сезоне 2023 Spring