• Compilers. Dalvik. ART. And everything in between

    We will go over all compilation and building process: D8 & R8, we will learn what is Virtual Machine and how ART is different from Dalvik, what is JIT and how AOT replace it and how the modern project put all this together.

  • Mobile architecture at scale

    Alexander will take a look at well-known mobile architectures in terms of a large team's work. What problems Uber had 2 years ago and why they rewrote their application from scratch. What problems arise when hundreds of engineers work in one repository and how some of these problems are solved using RIBs architecture.

  • Make mobile apps fast again

    We'll discuss technical difficulties of monitoring regression of mobile apps performance characteristics and how to build this monitoring into CI. We'll tell how we organized this process for Yandex mobile apps and what challenges we faced.

  • One app, 200+ developers: practices and tools

    We'll discuss tools and methods of automation, safe code writing, testing and service control — these tools and methods we at Sberbank Online use every day, releasing our project for 40 millions of clients.

  • How to cook a well done MVI for Android

    We'll discuss how we can adapt Unidirectional Data Flow for mobile development and how Kotlin and its key features can help us in that. We'll also take a look at examples of typical use cases implementation for this approach.

  • Android builds at Lyft

    Deep dive into details of Android monorepo builds at Lyft, infrastructure and tooling around it, and some engineering stories, of course!

  • Sign me

    We'll discuss signature schemes used in Android (Jar Signature, APK Signature 2 и 3!!!, Google Play Signing), their strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities — and, of course, test it all out.

  • Project Treble: a lifelong technical debt

    Sometimes one mistake in developing the architecture of the product can cost you dearly. There was such mistake in Android OS, and to fix it Google had to invent a new language (HIDL), bindarized HALs, VINTF objects and many other interesting things, as a whole called Project Treble. If you want to know what it it, what's it for, what did it cost Google and how it will influence the developers and end users of Android devices, you should come and listen to the talk.

  • G(PU) force

    We'll review past cases where Royi had trouble that originated in the GPU and how you can diagnose and solve similar issues quickly and more effectively in your Android application.

  • Flux architecture in an iOS project

    Denis will tell about challenges one might face when developing an iOS project on the Flux architecture and how to find solutions for those challenges. This talk's aimed at all developers who know basic principles of the Flux architecture.

  • Dependency injection with Koin

    Koin, a new way of dependency injection for Android. Let's look at the full Koin 1.0 features. Let's look at migration steps. Let's discuss when to use it and maybe when not to.

  • Advanced live streaming

    You'll learn how Aleksei and his colleagues created the biggest platform in Russia for broadcasting and watching live streams and which problems they encountered.

  • Flutter — how to make a beautiful app in an hour?

    Announced at Google I/O '17 Flutter is a new open source library for creating cross-platform mobile applications with beautiful UI. Is it something new? Is it needed? Will this be a future? After this talk you'll be able to face a question — is Flutter something for you?

  • The lord of the modules

    It began with the forging of the Great Modules. Some of them were core modules, the mighty rulers of network and databases. Some of them were feature modules, for within them was bound the strength and will to govern each feature. But they were all of them deceived... for in the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, DI and Routing were forged in secret to control the whole application.

  • SceneKit in use

    Vyacheslav will tell how to start working with SceneKit, which pitfalls they encountered and how to record video alongside rendering in SceneKit and ARKit working. He will also tell about little-knows features of this engine and how you can use them to implement the most complex visual effects.

  • Kotlin puzzlers, Vol. 2

    This talk will present some of the more interesting nuances of Kotlin syntax or features with the help of small puzzler programs letting the audience guess their behavior. The mystery will then be revealed with an explanation in a fun way.

  • Fast and beautiful: Modern image delivery techniques

    We'll examine strategies to send the perfect image to every device, ensuring a fast, beautiful rendering of your content. We'll look at progressive images, placeholder images, lazy loading and other techniques and real world examples that will improve the usability of your site or app.