
Mobile search

  • In Russian

Nearly every mobile application implements a search. Even though the patterns of the search logic and UI such as filtering and search suggestions, are almost the same in different projects, most of the time developers reinvent the wheel while implementing them.

What are the components of the search experience? What are the peculiarities of mobile search implementation? How to search the entry point of your application, helping a user to discover your content and not just a "yet-another-checkmark" in the product road map? Which kind of optimizations can be applied to make your search lightning fast?

The purpose of Vladislav's talk is to answer all these questions and to arrange approaches within such a vast domain. The talk is based on the experience of Algolia, a company specializing in search services and illustrated by the examples of its open source InstantSearch framework. Mobile developers as well as UX designers and product managers may find the talk interesting.

  • #architecture
  • #best practices
  • #ios
  • #ux/ui


Invited experts
