Round table. How to beat a cheater in mobile e-sports
Vyacheslav Tarasov
Company: Arenum
Olga Shkryaba
Company: Kaspersky Lab
Yury Dubovoy
Company: Delimobil
Company: Arenum
CTO at Arenum. For 6 years Vyacheslav has been reading lectures about operational systems at the university. He used to be C++ and parallel computing fan. Previously he worked as a lead engineer/developer/tester in the Prisma project, adapting it for new (at that moment) NPU Kirin chips. He had to master Android for ML tasks and GPGPU, OpenGL, OpenCL, Vulcan parallel computing.
For the last 6 months Vyacheslav has been developing a streaming mobile app.
It doesn't really matter for him how complex the task is. He can properly coordinate and polish any project. He likes deadlines and sleepless nights. In emergency cases he can make wonders with a couple of liters of orange juice.
Company: Arenum
Company: Kaspersky Lab
Company: Delimobil