Watch recording

Andrey Zaitsev
Company: VK / RuStore
Android developer. Dagger guru. Android Academy Msk 2019 speaker.
Talks from 2023 Spring season
- Watch recordingTalk
Preparing the Configuration of an Android App with Dynamic Proxy and Reflexion
Anatoly Gusev
Company: VK / RuStore
- Watch recordingConversation
Summary of the Mobius 2023 Spring Online Part
Andrey Zaitsev
Company: VK / RuStore
Yury Dubovoy
Company: Delimobil
Other talks
- Watch recordingTalkBeta
Installing Android Apps from Prehistoric times to the Present Day
Anatoly Gusev
Company: VK / RuStore
Dmitrii Gaidukevich
Company: VK / Zen
- Watch recording
- Watch recording
- Watch recordingConversation
Summarising the Online Part of Mobius 2023 Autumn
Andrey Zaitsev
Company: VK / RuStore
Yury Dubovoy
Company: Delimobil
- Watch recording
- Watch recording
- No recordBOF-session
Perspectives on platforms: who will occupy the main niche, what will everyone work on?
Kirill Rozov
Company: Tinkoff
Gennady Evstratov
Company: Yandex
Andrey Zaitsev
Company: Koshelek
- Watch recordingConversation
Conference closing
Ilya Lunkin
Company: M2 tech
Oksana Miroshnichenko
Company: JUG Ru Group
Andrey Dmitriev
Company: JUG Ru Group
Anton Smirnov
Company: Koshelek
Andrey Zaitsev
Company: Koshelek
- Watch recordingTalk
Launch on the Huawei market, or how we have adapted the application for work with HMS
Pavel Borzikov
Company: Delivery club
Georgy Gigauri
Company: Delivery club