Watch recording

Maxim Grishutin
Company: Ozon
Maxim worked in Fintech for a long time: he developed White Label application for banks (VTB, OTP, Absolut and +100 more) and UI/UX for the voice assistant at Tinkoff.
He is Head of the iOS development department at Ozon and is responsible for the iOS application for sellers.
Speaker also
- teaches SwiftUI courses at Route 256;
- keeps a small LinkedIn blog on development;
- actively participates in open source projects (SPM, XcodeGen, Tuist, XcodeProj);
- develops his own projects: Prefire – auto-generation of Snapshot tests based on #Preview
Talks from 2023 Autumn season
- Watch recording
Other talks
- Watch recording
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Are Actors Really Necessary in Swift Concurrency?
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Accelerating SwiftUI with Observable
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Dmitrii Gaidukevich
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- Watch recording