Mobius 2024 Autumn Conference Opening
We'll be talking about schedules, sessions and sharing information. Connect to the broadcast to find out what's in store for you on the air soon!
Kirill Popov
Timur Gasymov
VK / Zen
We'll be talking about schedules, sessions and sharing information. Connect to the broadcast to find out what's in store for you on the air soon!
VK / Zen
How the architecture of "Vozi Ozon" super app was built from scratch: about scalability, time to market, parallelism and flexibility of development. There will be interesting technical details: about versioning of libraries in the multi-repository, about the development team. And most importantly, you will learn why the new solution is very different from our main super app.
Emulation of contactless cards on mobile devices, standards and protocols used, example of implementation of message passing between mobile devices.
Positive Technologies
How to write your own GitHub Actions in Kotlin/JS. I'll show a real example and discuss whether it's worth investing in it and in what cases.
Dodo Engineering
When you take on something radically new, you want to have at least some kind of map of what to do. In this talk we will try to draw this map together, dispel doubts and fears, and take the first step into a world full of new opportunities.
We will discuss how an iOS developer can survive on a project with KMP. We will consider the problems developers face and ways to solve them. We will learn how an iOS developer can effectively get used to a project with KMP and cope with the difficulties that arise.
How to build a link graph in a project and analyse it to improve code quality.
Yandex Travel
I will tell you how, due to the integration of KMP, we had to change the processes in the mobile teams, as well as their interaction. The focus will be on the processes, not on the technical part of KMP.
This workshop will teach you how to use Modo, a minimalistic navigation library for Jetpack Compose. You will master screen state management and learn how to implement both classic and arbitrary navigation scenarios by applying the library in a real-world environment.
Do developers need pet projects in 2024? We will discuss: where to get knowledge from - from courses or trying to make your own application; why you need to make your own services and applications; if you make a pet project, it means you are not loaded enough at work? whether it is possible to make money on pet projects; what to do when a pet project ceases to be a hobby, and whether it is a hobby at all; open source as a way of self-expression.
VK / VK Clips
VK / RuStore
VK / Zen
VK / RuStore
Well, fellow programmers, architects, and code gurus, who wants to dive deep into an old and forgotten code and replace the core engine here with a new one?
VK / VK Calls
VK / Zen
We will tell you how to create a universal project build system with cache support. We will show how to quickly and conveniently connect any specific build system implementation to it: Tuist or Bazel.
I'll tell you about the backup technology in Android, which can save you millions of rubles on authorization SMS.
VK / VKontakte
How to break the compiler with a ton of code, and how open source allows you to quickly fix it.
Yandex Go
We summarize the results, recall the highlights and talk about future plans. Join the broadcast to make sure you don't miss anything!
VK / Zen
We'll be talking about schedules, sessions and sharing information. Come to the hall or connect to the broadcast to find out what's in store for you soon!
VK / Zen
The concept of non-copyable types and its application.
Let's understand why Apple needed a separate language for working with configurations and what tasks it solves.
Why our team decided to "pull" GeckoView into Dynamic Feature, how we did it and what problems we encountered. Will be useful for those who are tired of WebView bugs and will be doing something similar.
VK / Mail
“By implementing Combine, you will simplify reading and maintaining your code”: the documentation tells us, but what is it really like and will things really become easier? Let's understand how the main primitives in Combine actually work: Publishers, Operators, Schedulers, Subscription, BackPressure. Let's talk about all the bugs, data races, memory leaks and implicit behavior associated with them.
Yandex 360
Let's discuss the differences between declarative UI frameworks: Compose and SwiftUI. Let's consider the principles of work in both cases. Learn about differences in UI update, life cycle, modifier system.
Together, we'll walk through the tricky vulnerabilities in Android and learn how to effectively secure your app.
Raiffeisen Bank
I'll show you in numbers how much it costs to write a project in KMP + CMP, how it affects the speed of development compared to native technologies, and what we effectively save in the end (or not?).
Yandex 360
We won't tell you how to sell a library. We'll tell you how to make sure that users have a chance to use it.
VK / RuStore
VK / RuStore
My talk is about writing autotests in iOS development. We will discuss why this topic should be of interest not only to QA specialists, but also to developers.
Mobile services are a core part of modern mobile OSs and are their key component. Google Play Services is a tool to control the whole Android ecosystem. Apple can easily destroy a developer by closing access to its services.
We'll talk about the implementation and importance of mobile services and discuss how they can be done right.
Android Broadcast
Several reasons to have org.gradle.configuration-cache=true
We will design and implement an iOS simulator to run apps on macOS. We will see the inner workings of iOS applications. We will get to know the Mach-O format. We will learn how to dynamically load libraries in rantime, allocate memory for executable code, and run applications built via Xcode for iOS inside a macOS application.
Let's learn how to draw top-notch custom animations in iOS on the GPU. To do this, let's dive into Apple's main GPGPU (General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit) API and look at the basic entities that are used to perform calculations on GPUs. We'll dive into MSL (Metal shader language), learn how to animate object properties from scratch, tie it all together and end up with an animated view ready to be integrated into a product.
Maintaining the ‘freshness’ of the technology stack using a specific mobile application as an example. Why to do it and what problems may arise along the way.
X5 Tech
X5 Tech
Kotlin Multiplatform technology allows you to write code once and then use the result on different platforms — this is convenient, but there is a downside. When integrating KMP with native technologies, there are special situations when KMP behaviour differs from native, which can negatively affect the application. I will tell you about one of such peculiarities — Kotlin/Native GC and ARC working together on iOS platform.
Magnit Tech
We'll look at the layout phase mechanism in Compose and learn about its limitations. We'll find out how standard layouts work, as well as what possibilities exist for writing custom ones. We will consider nuances and hacks that are not specified in the documentation. I will demonstrate everything using examples, including components of the Avito design system.
How to develop development and CI tools in Swift and what opportunities this opens up.
Yandex /
We'll look at practical examples of using various neural networks (Gemini, GigaCode, ChatGPT) when developing an Android application. We will discuss what pitfalls can occur in the work and how to use such tools correctly and safely.
For this talk, I decided to conduct a little challenge. To understand how realistic it is to implement an MVP application for Android if you don't have expertise in this area. How AI can help with this task. Whether there are any converters and how good they are for the current day.
The development of superapps requires approaches different from classical applications. We have encountered this in our company and have developed solutions, including innovative ones.
Try yourself as a speaker and talk about everything you care about right at the conference.
Give a blitz talk on a free topic in any format. Each participant will have 10 minutes to share their stories.
Register at the link to participate.
Please note: only participants in the offline part of the conference can speak. There will be no recording.
JUG Ru Group
Let's discuss whether it's still worth getting into IT and how developing a personal brand affects a mobile developer's career path.
Android Broadcast
Mobile Developer
Tired of thinking during talks? Then join us for the Mobius Quiz!
Several rounds with questions on various topics — and we haven't forgotten about mobile development!
How to properly cook Kotlin for release to all platforms? Find out in this talk.
Mobile Developer
We'll see how the heaviest method in Swift Runtime works. We will learn how to write productive code where we can minimise calls to this method.
A talk on real declarative navigation in our Zen application. The distinctive feature is that navigation contains only 2 commands: open and close. It all works thanks to the registration of the screen hierarchy and the algorithm of searching for the necessary screen in the tree.
VK / Zen
How the application lifecycle works from the operating system and application developer's perspective. What functionality is available and how to use it in development. What innovations enhance the development experience and extend the OS with new features.
Open Mobile Platform
You'll learn how: Google's basic tools for Compose UI testing work. Get a user-friendly API for testing Compose and organize a codebase of tests. We implemented Compose UI testing in hh and our design system: breakdown of frequent cases and problem solving.
Building C++ dependencies for iOS and Android (almost) without pain. Adaptation of a CMake project for building for iOS.
Answers to questions about the design and operation of coroutines for the most curious participants.
How Yandex Journeys incrementally pulls Strict Concurrency Checking and Swift 6 into a big project and defeats all the vorning and bugs.
I will tell you about creating navigation on Compose, about the approach to architecture and state preservation, about UDF peculiarities and about autotest coverage. And about the pitfalls we've stepped on and avoided.
How to teach SPM to deliver the right things in the right way in large projects with Registry?
When developing an SDK, you cannot use familiar technologies so easily and blindly. Each step has consequences for the SDK user. So the report will be about the specifics of Android SDK development, how we struggled with it and what we came to.
VK / RuStore
I'll tell you how to make an app on Flutter accessible, how difficult it is, and what we get out of it.
A talk about the possibility of testing mobiles without emulators and without storing a bunch of phones on the table. I will tell you about our path: how we started, what difficulties we faced and what one needs to overcome to create a tool for remote control of mobile devices.
We will consider the prerequisites for implementing SDUI in the mobile application of the Pyaterochka retail chain. We will discuss the way of choosing a technological stack for building a solution, where for every ‘yes’ there are always three ‘buts’, the peculiarities of using the approach. I will answer questions that arise in the implementation process and relate to navigation, storage and state management. I'll tell you how the team chose the one that they finally followed among all possible paths.
X5 Tech
Join our exciting quiz and test your knowledge of interface design and cybersecurity. Learn interesting facts about mobile operating system interface design, face real-world challenges and find out how prepared you are for the challenges of the cyber future!
I will share the art of turning typical questions into deep and interesting ones. Questions that make you think and look at familiar things from a different angle. Such interviews are memorable for candidates and allow you to learn much more about candidates.
I'll tell you how we made a universal demo application. It independently builds a list of screens from the modules that the developer has selected. This allows you to build only a small part of the application modules and still work with screens.
In the talk we will tell you about our Backend Driven UI implementation called Fusion. We will consider this approach from all sides: practical application, scaling in a real project, entry threshold necessary for different specialists (mobile developers, backenders, QA), price/quality ratio in comparison with traditional development and much more.
Target audience: mobile developers and those interested in the topic of BDUI (SDUI)
Different methods were invented to communicate with aliens, but only radio gave us hope to establish contact with our space brothers. I will tell you what possibilities there are for this today, in what language we are going to communicate with them, what messages have already been sent and what has been received, what will be done in the near future. How it is possible to communicate with aliens without using radio.
We summarize the results, recall the highlights and talk about future plans. Come to the hall or join the broadcast so you don't miss a thing!
VK / Zen